
The CISSR Annual Meetings on Christian Origins focus on the research area of Christian origins in the first two centuries. This means: research on the historical Jesus, exegesis of the vast body of early Christian writings in all their languages, history of early Christianity in the Jewish and Greco-Roman context, archaeology and related classical sciences, papyrology, relations with the Jewish and Hellenistic world in all its aspects. All possible different methods and perspectives are contemplated: historical-critical exegesis, comparative religion, archaeology, social sciences, cultural studies, and so on.

The goal is to create a framework for the presentation and discussion exclusively of current research in its more stimulating and specialist outcomes and results. In this context, everyone will have the opportunity to explain what they are doing and discuss it from a scientific point of view with other researchers. With this in mind, we welcome the participation of specialists in applied methodologies i.e. anthropologists, sociologists, literary scholars, papyrologists, archaeologists, etc.

A major focus of the meeting will be the open in-depth scientific discussions centering on a number of books of recent publication.

The initiative is possible today, because we are in the presence of a significant number of scholars of the new generations who have achieved a high level by international standards. This allows them to manage the event first-hand, thus assuming the role of protagonists, albeit with the involvement of specialists from “older” generations.

We often lack a climate of research that favours and advances scientific research, one which gives expression to existing scientific energy, especially that of younger researchers. It is therefore wish to create a space where—regardless of religious persuasion or methodological preferences—it is possible to have a scientific exchange also open to international participation. The objectives we propose are therefore advancement of scientific research, and communication to the Italian and international communities of recent work.

The Scientific Commitee of our meetings is formed by Mauro Pesce (University of Bologna), Andrea Annese (University of Bologna), Luca Arcari (University of Naples Federico II), Peter Arzt-Grabner (University of Salzburg), Francesco Berno (Sapienza University of Rome), Adriana Destro (University of Bologna), Cristiana Facchini (University of Bologna), Dario Garribba (Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, Naples), Claudio Gianotto (University of Turin),  Dorota Hartman (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), John S. Kloppenborg (University of Toronto), Mara Rescio (University of Regensburg), Sarah E. Rollens (Rhodes College), Daniele Tripaldi (University of Bologna), Daniel Ullucci (Rhodes College), Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli (Max Weber Center, University of Erfurt), Luigi Walt (University of Naples “L’Orientale”).